1) Face the problem. Often times when problems come our way, we tend to shy away from them. Bury our heads in the sand and hope they go away. The issue with this is, they don’t! And, if you hide too long, you may find the problem growing.
So stand up straight. Look the problem in the eye. Analyze it. Dissect it. You may find that it’s not as “big” as you first thought. Repeat after me: “I can handle this!!”
2) After you take a good look at the problem, take a good long look at yourself. (ouch) Very often people find themselves in trouble because the trouble is really in them. Examine your current situation – were you a major contributing factor to the problem you are facing?
3) Take Action! After we’ve decided to face the problem instead of hiding from it, and we’ve examined and determined the origins of this problem, take some action to overcoming it. “Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence.”1 Any action is better than no action – maybe this action will have little effect, maybe it will have great effect. You will never know until you try – so take some action!!
4) Ask for help! So often our pride gets in the way – the old Frank Sinatra song rings through our head – I’ll Do it My Way – let’s get something straight right now – sometimes you can’t do it all on your own – or your way. Be humble enough to ask for help. Odds are pretty good that someone you know has been through a similar situation and can offer some helpful insight to overcoming the challenge. Remember, no one is completely self-sufficient.
5) Don’t make this “trouble” or “problem” your new home. I don’t want to minimize what some may be going through – I’ve been there – confused, hurting, lost. But one thing I’ve learned, you can’t “move in” to your trouble and set up base camp. William James said “the essence of genius is in knowing what to overlook.” As Norman says in his book – “Why not apply that to your troubles? Overlook the small ones, and when the big ones are ready to move on, open wide the door and let them go.”1
To Your Success,
P.S. - Join How to Become a REAL Success - a 12 week course covering Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership - www.alruttan.com/real
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