
enthusiasm postitive Dec 18, 2019

I've been reading a book by Norman Vincent Peale called The Power of the Plus Factor - it's excellent!!  One part I read a while back talked about Enthusiasm - so today I want to share a part of that with you. 

If you're anything like me - you may struggle at keeping that level of Enthusiasm on the higher end at times.  Let's be honest, there are days when you wake up and lay there, not overly excited about what you need to do that day - you lack enthusiasm.  So, what are some ways to keep your levels 'up there' - so you can tackle what the day may bring with excitement and vigour.

I'm just going to share this straight from the book - reminder, credit goes to Norman Vincent Peale - written in 1952 - hence some of the wording.  Published by Simon and Schuster 

A few ways that enthusiasm may be developed and increased.   

1. Employ the as-if principle; act "as if" you had enthusiasm and it will tend to develop in your mind.   

2. Practice being enthusiastic about simple things. For example, "Look at those fleecy clouds against a blue sky. Isn't that beautiful?" or "Honey, I never tasted a more delicious dinner. You surely are a terrific cook!" You might also admire the nicely cut green lawn - (or the light snow falling gently) - or the purring sound of your car motor as you pull out into the roadway. Enthusiasm for the simple things will add up to a general attitude of enthusiasm.   

3. Tell yourself every morning as you go to work that you love your job. Think of it as interesting, even fascinating.  By so doing you will ultimately get enthusiastic about your work—and you will undoubtedly do a better job.   

4. Daily, as you board a bus, train, or subway, tell yourself that you really like people. Do this even when they push and shove you. Look for the interesting and likeable qualities in people. Act toward them as if you were enthusiastic about them. In due course, they will become enthusiastic about you.   

5. Every morning say aloud a Scripture verse such as; "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalms 118: 24). Another good one is: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life" (Psalms 23: 6).   

6. See how many "wonderful things" you can identify daily: a spectacular sunset; the face of an old man rugged as a granite cliff; a dogwood tree in fill bloom; snow drifted high against an old stone wall. As you emphasize the wonder of POWER OF THE PLUS FACTOR life, you will develop that wonder of the attitude called enthusiasm.  And you, too, will become more wonderful.

As you do these exercises, and other enthusiasm-developing acts that you yourself will think of, that extra special something in your nature that we call the Plus Factor will grow and you will grow along with it.  

Robert W. Service in "The Quitter" sums up the spirit of persistence:
It's easy to cry that you're beaten and die;
It's easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight When hope's out of sight
Why, that's the best game of all.
And though you come out of each grueling bout
All broken and beaten and scarred—Just have one more try.
It's dead easy to die; It's the keeping on living that's hard.  

Make this an ENTHUSIASTIC week!!! Al  

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